LLC Annual Report WA: Everything You Need to Know

The LLC annual report WA is the form filed by a Washington LLC with the Washington Secretary of State every year to update its information in the state records.3 min read

The LLC annual report WA is the form filed by a Washington LLC with the Washington Secretary of State every year to update its information in the state records.

Once you register an LLC or a limited liability company in the State of Washington, the Washington Secretary of State requires you to update certain information about your LLC on a periodic basis. Every LLC in Washington must update its information each year. This is done by filing an annual report.

In Washington, an LLC must file an annual report on a regular basis throughout its existence. You must update the address of your registered agent in the annual report, and pay a filing fee of $250. The annual report must be filed with the Washington Business Licensing Service.

The intention behind the requirement of filing an annual report is to keep your records updated with the state of Washington since creditors and others are allowed access to your business address. Also, the State uses this information to monitor your LLC's tax filings.

Information Required for an LLC Annual Report Washington

The LLC annual report filed with the Washington Secretary of State must include the following information:

You should keep the above information ready while filing an annual report for your LLC. Even if there is no change in any information provided in the last annual report, you must still file an annual report with the Washington Secretary of State within the due date.

Filing an LLC Annual Report in Washington

  • Where to File: You can file an annual report for your LLC through the website of Washington Business Licensing Service.
  • Online Fee: You must pay a filing fee of $250 for filing an annual report on paper and $300 for filing online.